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Researching and Writing


Meta Conscious Analysis Study

This is a unique study incorporating the bigger picture of your  illness to  health, providing a plan of action and the chance to unlock your body's natural potential to self- heal.  

Science has shown us that cells have memory and unresolved trauma and chronic stress, take a toll on our mind and body, potentially leading to disease.

An IMCA Study looks at the bigger picture of illness to health.  Meta Tracks back to the root cause of how your illness started when a meaningful biological programme was set in place to help you through a traumatic time. This unique method is firmly rooted in embryology, working with natural laws, and  2 phases of disease. Meta believes all trauma starts in the Psyche, which impacts a certain part of the Brain, which then correlates to an organ.  


This scientific approach tracks back to the root cause of how your illness was triggered, using a unique method to illustrate a clear picture of all the stages from stress to resolution. Upon completion, a study will be compiled with a soul-ution plan to start your healing journey.  It is then a new meaningful, biological programme will be activated to bring you back to good health.  


When we have an unexpected shock, that is dramatic, isolating and there is no solution to the situation, a meaningful biological programme sets in place, temporarily until a solution is found. If we don't resolve the issue at the time, the emotions, beliefs, and decisions are stored in our subconscious and may surface later down the line to alert us of the danger when we are in a similar position. Our mind is on high alert, searching for a solution, keeping us under stress and may result in chronic health conditions.  This is where we suffer further symptoms of stress, manifesting as physical conditions and emotional states, that get out of control. Most of the time we are not consciously aware of what programmes we are running, or when they even started, and get consumed in our busy lives, leading to neglecting our health. Seeking medical advice can be frustrating in itself, adding to our problems. Just getting an appointment, long waiting lists for a hospital appointment, taking medication with no relief and the results of a diagnosis can be devastating.

If you are searching for answers to how your illness started, you are in the right place. Working on the principle that all diseases start in the Psyche, so, therefore, all healing starts in the psyche, enables your disease to trigger into a reverse programme instantly.  The insight of knowing the trigger is invaluable!  Understanding the process your body goes through due to a traumatic event and what impact it has had on your body, can give you the information to enable a smoother more gentle healing.


The study starts with an official diagnosis from conventional medicine.  Normally there will be  3 meet-ups to investigate all aspects of why and how you contracted your condition.  The study will be composed,  taking into account the symptoms, brain layers and tissue involved.  All healing is relative to how long someone has been suffering, so the sooner you address your symptoms the better.  

Upon deciding to move forward with an IMCA Study, the client would be invited to be curious and set a positive intention, to become consciously aware of their current existence and surroundings and for what purpose they may have become ill, prompting a realisation that you have complete control to take back your power and start the healing process.


Some of the reasons why people search for a Meta Conscious Analysis Study? 

Searching for answers, as to why you have a condition that causes you so much pain, physically or emotionally, in need of addressing your discomfort. 

Tired of returning Symptoms.

Fed up with being prescribed medication with no lasting results or looking for something that can work alongside the medication you have been prescribed.

Diagnosis Shocks, add to the problem.

The draining effects, of your illness on your employment, social life, and family, creating a loss of income, lack of confidence, the feeling of isolation, and struggle to maintain your relationships, etc.

Discomfort and Pain, Emotional Stress, and Anxiety.

Suffering PTSD, overly sensitive.

Searching ways to heal naturally without harsh ongoing medication.  

Living a life of Fear, constantly worrying about the future.

Some may think it’s genetic, or even have some kind of acceptance that their illness is normal, resulting in running unconscious programmes.

Not knowing how to cope.

They are searching for a natural approach,  to work alongside their medications.

I welcome you to call for a free chat and if this makes sense to you let's get started.                           The best intention to support you through this process will be set.        

                    Study £550                   

All enquiries and bookings please call.:- 07946211906

or email: reconnectyou7@gmail



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